I came across a poem that a father wrote about his son please take a moment to read.
‘I don't
mind my boy getting a few knocks on the pitch
it's his choice to play,
I don't
mind cuts and bruises
they just fade away,
I do mind
him getting racially abused
it's something that he'll keep.
It hurts
more than a cut or bruise because it runs so deep
background and his colour are not choices that he has made
But he
accepts and is proud of who he is
And has
no need to be afraid,
stand tall in the taunts of racism and will dismiss the weak
By being
better and stronger and turning the other cheek,
He has
the backing of his team mates so it doesn't get too much
They will
stand united and kick racism into touch’ (RFL)
Now before you continue to read this post close your eyes and imagine that you were this father, that your son had to deal with this issue each time they go to do something they enjoy,
Now close them again and imagine you were his son would you still enjoy the game?
Football have their own initiatives when dealing with racism both on and off the pitch. with football being such a published sport they enforced the "Show Racism the RED card UK" and "Kick it out" witch is sponsored by The premier league as well as many more organisations.
They educate throughout the leagues and also through schools educating children why racism is wrong and why the race of a person dose not define the person it pushes the fact that racism hurts the individual.
Many famous sports role models back these campaigns and appear in posters and adverts in an attempt to help cancel out racism.
But is it enough ?
With incidents of racism still appearing in sports what more can be done?
Or do we just wait and hope that through teaching in schools that the generations to come will do the right thing ?
I am not suggesting that it is pointless teaching the wrong doing that racism can have I just have an understanding that our generation was taught the same valuable lesson yet I can still see my fellow peers making racist remarks .
Will we ever live in a world where race is just a competition on who finishes first? not a reason to comment on the skin colour of a person.
Where our ethnicity is not guessed because we are White, Black, Pink, Brown, yellow or what ever other colours people believe resembles the skin colour of each individual?
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