Monday 19 January 2015

English as a second language.

The Department of Education has stated that “The Government is committed to supporting pupils for whom English is not a first language.” (education, 2013) 
So within this blog I will be discussing English as an additional language and the procedures that are being or have been put in place by current settings to help all children that use English as an additional language in order for them to get the best educational outcome that they can.

Children that use English as an additional Language are not homogeneous and have all got many different needs and are at different stages of development although they may be similar in that they may struggle with the English language the background of each child is unique just like everyone they all have different interests, strengths and weaknesses.
Just because they may speak a different language does not mean that they should be discriminated the same planning should be for each child there for planning should be flexible in order for the child not to feel isolated or different to all the other children that attend the setting this will then help build the Childs confidence  as they will feel part of the group and will lead to their social development not being effected as they will still be in constant interaction with other children of their age and ability.

Also by the practitioners taking into account each child’s interests, valuing and respecting all children at the setting, the children should then pick up that the practitioner is communicating with everyone, this will then help the child in many developmental stages including social development as they see the practitioner as a role model and copy his or her actions this can then help the child later on in life and will help the practitioner gain a bond with the children thus helping them with developing their planning around them. Allowing the education system to take a step forward in stamping out discrimination.

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