Thursday 22 January 2015

Child Depression

"As many as 1 in every 33 children may have depression; in teens, that number may be as high as 1 in 8" 

Just think of that statistic.....
A high school class has on average 25 to 30 children
Primary schools holding 1,000 pupils or more

According to every 100 minutes a teenager will take their own life through depression!

Children, what could they be depressed about? all they do is play, run around and have fun correct?
Wrong with the society we are living in there is a lot of pressure being put on teenagers and young children.


Do I look like everyone else?
Nobody likes to stand out especially when your a child. think back to when you was younger, that child that nobody wanted to sit by, well its become worse children feel that they must meet a certain criteria to be accepted into society and is it anywhere when you look at a magazine or switch on TV what are you greeted with ?

Children believe that it is these images to look up to. On the over of a well known children's magazine you will find many pop artists such as this one with Arianna Grande and Katy Perry who also appeared at this years teen choice awards 
Children look up to these women then they see the way they act and are dressed in their music videos 

And suddenly children all over want to have the figure, the clothes, the hair, the attitude and if they don't they risk becoming isolated targets, 


You must do well in school, how else are you going to get a good job ?
That one piece of homework will change your life,
You must remember all this information for this exam even if you never use it again.
Failed your English GCSE 5 years ago?  I'm sorry but no jobs available.......

How many times have we been told over and over again how important our school lessons are to uphold a good career?
How many times in your career have you used the important school lessons?

Click photo above to have a greater understanding on how children are becoming so depressed due to school.


Children will look to their older brother or sister as an example of how they can or should live their lives. They'll also use the way they act to better themselves. Often siblings will use each other as targets to become better than or to out-do each other so teachers, family or friends will notice them for being better than the others, This will put pressure onto children as they thrive to become ' The Best Child' and be used as an example by parents when they speak of their children. 

Sport involvement

Children who play sports will at some point endure stress whilst playing, whether it be from themselves, coaches or parents, children will always thrive to be the best at the sport they choose to take part in. A major part of sport is winning and when a child has been brought up on this then that's what they'll always aim for and losing is unacceptable. This alone can cause a lot of stress to children as they will put everything into their effort to win and if they come away with nothing or a loss then they feel they have failed and that it wasn't good enough and will blame themselves for the loss. Parents can sometimes be a distraction at sporting events as when a child knows their parent is watching they feel they have to do well to make their parents proud and that taking part isn't enough, they feel they can't let them down and want to be the best they can, this causes stress upon the child and will undoubtedly cause them to make mistakes which will hinder their self believe and confidence for future sporting events.

With many more factors affecting a child's life this added stress can cause children to reach all levels of depression, children are no longer the children we believe them to be and we all must support children, let them know that its OK for them to fail, its OK for them to be unique and most importantly Its OK for them to be children!


If you are a child/Young adult that is suffering from depression or know of someone who is, do not suffer alone below are some help sites and numbers to call, they offer advise or somebody to talk to, they will listen and they will understand.

  • SupportLine Telephone Helpline: 01708 765200 (Helpline)
    Confidential emotional support to Children Young People and Adults. Also keeps details of agencies, support groups and counsellors throughout UK
  • Breathing Space: 0800 83 85 87 (Area served SCOTLAND) Breathing Space is a free, confidential phone line for people in Scotland who are experiencing low mood or depression. Breathing Space is available to the public every day of the year, 24 hours at weekends (6pm Friday–6am Monday) and 6pm-2am (Monday-Thursday).

  • CALL Community Advice and Listening Line (Wales): 0800 Mental health helpline for Wales providing confidential listening support service.
  • Childline: 0800 1111
  • Get Connected: 0808 808 Free telephone and email helpline finding young people the best help whatever the problem. Can connect a child or young person to any UK helpline where appropriate.

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