A domain is an area that is controlled by a particulate person or company, for instance you may have heard of a lions domain as in the area of which a lion is in control. Your home is your domain as it is the area you are in control of.
Internet domains are just the same, as the website is controlled by a person or company.
The most common domain that can be seen globally throughout the internet is .com it stands for commercial
You can also find .co which stands for company it is used by country's as their domains some examples of this are:
.co.uk = United Kingdom
.co.fr = France
.co.jp = Japan
Other domains are:
.org = Organisation - this is used by many charity's such as oxfarm.org.uk
.net = Network
.gov = Government
.gov is the most reliable websites to view as they are run by government organisations of whom are not aloud to provide false or inaccurate information.
.edu = Education
.edu is also a reliable source it is information provided by specialists that have researched and have evidence of what they are saying in the topic.
Why so many domains?
Domains are made so that it is easier to see what type of website and country you are viewing
Still not sure?
Here is a video to help with understanding domains